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WCGS Monthly Meetings


Meetings: The Warren County Genealogical Society Chapter Meetings are open to the public without charge.  They are usually held the third Wednesday of most months (excluding January and February) at 7:30 PM.  Virtual Meetings start at 7:00 PM and are usually held the second Wednesday of the month.  Please see our Events page for more information about the Programs planned for our upcoming meetings.

WCGS Board Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month.  The Board consists of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Standing Committee chairpersons.  Other members of the Chapter may attend Board meetings and are invited to do so, but do not have the power to vote.

Meeting Location:  The Phillippi Meeting Room of the Campus Center at the Otterbein Retirement Community, 585 North State Route 741 (north of State Route 63), Lebanon, Ohio.

Alternate Meeting Location:  The Armstrong Conference Center of the Warren County Historical Society, 121 South Broadway, Lebanon, Ohio.

Please note that we are continuing to have a mix of both in-person and virtual meetings.  Being able to accommodate and connect with our members who are not located in this geographic area has proven to be very popular and enjoyable for all.

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